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This is a little out of date and messy but yeah.
Marshmallow (2007) (5:04)
Patience [From Patience EP] (January 1, 2009) (4:47)
Around the Bend [From Patience EP] (January 1, 2009) (6:03)
Sick (Studio) (N/A) (2:14)
Let it Go. (N/A) (4:27)
¡Nüburbåtizé! (Original Version??) (N/A) (3:27)
Inertia (Potential Vs. Kinetic) (Original Version?) (N/A) (4:44) [it's longer than the 2011 version so it's probably different.]
Whoopi Goldberg Was A Mistake - A Verbal Equinox (2013)
Bio Factory - A Verbal Equinox (2013?) [Unsure if this is an actual song]
Good Morning Riot (Instrumental) - A Verbal Equinox (2013?) [Unsure if this is an actual song]
D.U.I. In The Sky (Solo Version) - William Sunshine (2011?)
Phoebe (Live at the Bitter End) (November 2012) - William Sunshine (2012)
Phoebe (Live on 201Music) (2013? 2014?) - William Sunshine [Only existing as a short snippet]
Aikido (Videosong) - William Sunshine / Will Wood (unknown date)
Aikido (Live) - William Sunshine / Will Wood (unknown date)
The Golem vs. Frankie McCarthy (Live, April 2011) - William Sunshine (with an unknown band)
Sauce (’Cause I Put it There) (Studio Version) - Strange Thick (2012?) [Only existing as a edited snippet]
Mama (Studio Version) - Strange Thick (2012?) [Possible lost song]
(Unknown Title) - Riley Stallings (ft. William Sunshine on piano) (2012)
(The song might not be lost, it could be on Riley's 2012 album "The Grand Scheme of Things" but it's unknown what song it is)
Thermodynamic Lawyer (WWATT Live Performance) - Will Wood and the Tapeworms (2015)
Victory (Live Recording) - Jamface (July 9, 2012)
Mr. Capgras (Live on TV) - Will Wood and the Tapeworms (2017) [Only existing as a snippet on TV in a Facebook post]
He’ll Use Me For His Needle Show - William Sunshine (Live at The Sidewalk Cafe) (November 2012)
¡Nüburbåtizé! - William Sunshine (Live @ The Bitter End) (November 2012)
Operation Heaven/HellCo (Unreleased Song) - A Verbal Equinox (December 2012)
Hey Jungle Man (Unreleased Song) - A Verbal Equinox (November 2013)
An Afternoon at a Real College: Poems by Will Wood (February 17, 2016)
an album by Will Wood released on February 17, 2016 that had 5 tracks which were all around a minute long.
The Krakken Demo EP - Jamface (2011)
2Turnt (Unreleased Album) - A Verbal Equinox (Possibly a Joke) (February 2014)
A Verbal Equinox Studio Update #1 (Unavailable Video) (March 2012)
MikeroMedia Radio Show (Episode 43) [9-29-16] (Featuring Will Wood)
VEDA Day 2 (VIDEO TITLE UNKNOWN) - Riley-Roy Stallings (ft. William Sunshine) [2011]
(A video uploaded by Riley-Roy sometime in 2011, her and William talk about Will's ADM EP release and RIley's new album featuring Will on piano on a track. that track seems to be lost. This video was copyright striked by Will in late December of 2021 or early January of 2022)
Patience EP - Dr. Scoob (2009)
Other songs (2014? 2015?) - The Stereosexuals [All songs besides the Bigger Than Yours EP are lost]
Live In Studio EP (2015) - WWATT [Might be the Live In Studio videos uploaded by LIVE IN STUDIO]
EP - Strange Thick [The title is unknown]
Strange Thick @ Bar East Live CD - Strange Thick [Though it seems there is a entire live performance of them playing the tracklist of the CD. Some people believe this performance is not the CD one and is instead a different performance from a different time] (2012)
Old Website ( [2015/2016]
Mark Jaworski Music Video With WWATT (2016) [probably Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In! but the link is different.]
Will Wood and the Tapworms (Live at Roxy & Dukes, December 28, 2019) [Full Performance] (A few songs exist)